Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A day and a night in the life of Tone

I originally intended to send this at 4, but things got all crazy and i missed the 5'o'clock deadline, so here's my night....

4pm Texas Park, Texas:

There were only one thing wot i come to a conclusion about back in the childy days of waterdale road... and that were that if yr gonna pop a bucketload of nutmeg, first thing in the morning is probably about the right time for it ;-) This after I woke up and had tunnel vision (full on tunnel vision... i could only see about a ten degree cone directly in front of me) and freaded out like. That were from just eating a whole bunch of powder.

I am of course going to have to go to the supermarket and buy myself a whole lotta nutmeg. You say grate it and boil it in milk yeah? So just a slow simmer like? For how long?

Mental picture: 60 year old kaino lying in the gutter in costa rica begging..... "hey mate, can ya spare a couple a bucks, it's not for nutmeg, it's for me grandma's sex change operation"

I'm still having troubles with me sound card as it turns out. The little bleeder's supposed to be fixed, but i still can't run cubase. And the real trouble is that i'm using pirate cubase and about 150 different plugins that are loaded into memory, and i can't be really sure that it's not a software problem. So i thought i'd test it today in another computer wot i've got lying around, and if it doesn't work on a fresh install of xp with a fresh install of cubase then i'll take it back and tell 'em to fix it. But somehow i managed to sleep away the entire day. I already tried this last night you see, and it were 6am before it were all done. And then of course, upon quiet (sleepy) reflection, I realised that I hadn't fully tested it, and so I have to do it all over again. And i had dismantled the test computer, so... putting it all back together now, installing delta and cubase and racing against the clock. I think i'm gonna be too late somehow to take it today!

5:15pm - South Carolina Plumbing Supplies
I managed to get the test machine set up and tested mr delta. And she did exactly the same thing. So I rushed to the service place and gave it to the guy. He knew who i was and that, and said he was stumped, and that he had no idea what was wrong with it. He also implied that if he couldn't work it out he would see about having it replaced. He was pretty amazed that it was the fourth time it's been in for service.

Damnit, I just went to the supermarket and completely forgot to buy nutmeg! I knew there was something i'd fogotten. But then, there always is.

7:45pm - Slovakia XXX shop
Just watched smokey and the bandit. I've got 1, 2 and 3. It rocks. You likey?
Before that, got a call from peg's mum. She's apparently had the shits with me for ages cos me and peg borrowed some videos and forgot to return them ;) Can't blame her I guess! Anyways, she got a letter from a debt collection joint a while back saying that she owed $112 + costs, and she called tonight to say that she had another letter. I'd say she would probably have killed me if i'd been within reach! So I went down the video shop and managed to talk them into reducing it to $70, paid it, then called her and told her it was all sorted. So hopefully she doesn't hate me now!

9:42pm - Northumblerland public convenience
Well, just finished watching smokey and the bandit 2, in which doris gets her oats. I spent about an hour brushing the cat. He's old and crippled and he can't preen himself proper like, so i give him a good brushdown and he looks like a million bucks. Or at least a million hairs with a cat attached. I suddenly feel the urge to mention my mangina. Oh well, guess it's time for smokey and the bandit 3!

We got a long way to go, and a short time to get there. We gonna do what they say can't be done.

3:29pm the following day - Cape Town

Well well well. My internet decided to stop working, so I haven't been able to send this until now ;> Watched 'Sling Blade ' last night, i reckon. I like very much, you should see if not already. I also drank too much wine. I thought maybe if I had a few glasses of wine I would fall asleep, but it didn't not hardly work at all! I got to sleep around 8 this morning. Got a wee headache, probably need to drink some more watery stuff. I found a mercedes benz hood emblem on ebay and I got me mum to bid on it for me, and got it for $20! They costs around $70 usually and is kinda hard to come by so I is well pleased. Some bastard broke it off on xmas day. Anyways, I shall wrap it up and give it to peg when she gets back from hobart next monday. My mum has invited me for dinner, so i'm gonna head off soon. Moved the pinball machine into the lounge. Bleedin sound doesn't work, must get that fixed (again), but apart from that she goes like the clappers. OK, i'm gonna try to leave the house now without getting the vom's.

God I talk a lot of twat.

Enrico Bacardi


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